Nov 15, 2023Liked by Michael Z.

An odd coincidence but I just started reading The Tartar Steppe. This somehow feels meaningful. The Russian Steppe could have been a good title as well.

Anyway I love the poem.

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I need to read that book, and yes that would have been a good title.

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It feels like underneath the admiration for the beautiful land is a thin cover for the voice's distaste that it was commercially sold to them as the ideal landscape to settle down on. Even though at the end the voice says forget it, it's my land now. The human mind tends to self-adjust to new surroundings and justify the facts afterwards, even if it had misgivings before. Sort of a coping mechanism to assist with returning to a happy state of mind.

That's what I read out of this, anyways. I hope I got it close to right!

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Its about marketing isn't it.

To be honest in the beginning I just wanted an excuse to do some scene building with the Tuscan sky and what not, but with that feeling rather cheap it very quickly turned into a poem about an experience I had hitchhiking across the far east and how impressive it all felt despite me knowing nothing about it.

The landscape was epic in every sense of that word.

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