I like the use of language throughout the poem—it's expressive and led me throughout.

I thought it was interesting to read together every last verse from each part.

For it all seemed to go together even more so at least that's what I gathered.

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Thank you, im so glad you liked it.

The subject matter is so obscure im surprised by the positive response.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michael Z.

I wasn't sure about it reading it first thing in the morning but now that I've woken up I do enjoy the story telling aspect. You have the bit with his suicide and then the personal story of discovering him.

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Hadn't heard of him until this poem, so I read a little about him. There's something in him that feels universal. Nice rhythm with this one. I particularly liked the 5th stanza, and the line about Shaw.

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I loved writing it but Im not expecting it to set the world on fire. No one except a certain generation of American academics know who he is anymore.

He meant a lot to me though.

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